Prescription Drugs

Change Healthcare Cybersecurity Incident
Jefferson Health Plans Member FAQs

Change Healthcare is a third-party service provider that many health systems, providers, payors and health plans, including Jefferson Health Plans, use for certain services related to claims and eligibility. 

On February 21, 2024, Change Healthcare experienced a cybersecurity incident after a ransomware group gained access to the network. Change Healthcare’s systems are still down.

As soon as Jefferson Health Plans learned of this cybersecurity threat, we took immediate action to disconnect from all Change Healthcare applications.

We are working closely with Change Healthcare to understand the evolving situation so we can best serve our members and keep you informed.

Please note that this issue has not impacted the Jefferson Health Plans’ websites, the member portal or your coverage as a Jefferson Health Plans member.

Our privacy and security teams are working closely with Change Healthcare and government officials to understand any impact on member information.

If we learn of any issues, we will communicate directly with potentially impacted members to provide guidance and next steps.

You may experience a temporary delay in any Explanation of Benefits (EOB) requests. We are working on an alternative solution and will provide EOBs as quickly as possible for members who need them.

The incident has also impacted our typical claims processing timeline including provider reimbursements.

If you paid a claim for a prescription out of pocket, please call Member Relations at the appropriate number below to request a member reimbursement form:

Individual and Family Plans: 1-833-422-4690 (TTY 1-877-454-8477)

Medicare: 1-833-477-4773 (TTY 1-877-454-8477)

Once you mail in the completed form, we will process the claim according to the fee schedule associated with your provider.

You can still access the Jefferson Health Plans member portal for more information on your benefits and coverage. For those who have not registered with our member portal, please do so today.

Check this webpage for up-to-date information. We will provide updates as more information becomes available.

If we learn of any issues that will directly impact our members, we will reach out with additional details.

Change Healthcare, as a national service vendor, is keeping its providers, payers and consumers informed. You can find Change Healthcare’s FAQ document on their website.

If you still have questions, please contact Member Relations by calling the appropriate number below:

Individual and Family Plans: 1-833-422-4690 (TTY 1-877-454-8477)

Medicare: 1-833-477-4773 (TTY 1-877-454-8477)


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